Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP
The Channel NQS FMP, developedby the Marine Management Organisation, was published in December 2023. It covers 19 non-quota stock species in ICES areas 7d and 7e (Eastern and Western English Channel).
The FMP covers:
bony fish(bib, brill, lemon sole, turbot, john dory, red mullet, grey gurnard, red gurnard, and tub gurnard)
elasmobranchs (lesser spotted dogfish, starry smoothhound, and common smoothhound)
cephalopods (common cuttlefish, elegant cuttlefish, common octopus, curled octopus, long-finned squid, European common squid, and common squid).
Recommended management measures
During this first iteration of the FMP, 6 proposed areas for priority management intervention were identified. These areas were developed through evidence gathering and engagement with stakeholders, who recognised that change is required to improve the sustainability of the stocks and fisheries. Further work and consultation will need to be undertaken to determine the applicability of each of these measures and refine where necessary. The priority areas are:
restriction of future flyseining effort
minimum conservation reference size (MCRS)
towed gear
education, adoption of voluntary guidlines and development of code of conduct
The FMP recognises that east and west channel fisheries are distinct, given the physical characteristics of the 2 regions that support differing habitats and fish assemblages. Therefore, management interventions will need to take spatial-temporal variability into consideration.
For more information on the Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP, please contact Defra at
Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP