Fisheries Management Plans

This page provides information and updates on the national process for developing Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) under the Fisheries Act 2020. FMPs will be evidence-based action plans developed in collaboration with the fishing sector and other stakeholders. Their purpose is to deliver sustainable fisheries for current and future generations. Defra is responsible for preparing plans but will work collaboratively with delivery partners and the fishing sector to develop FMPs. Defra will also work with other marine industries, policymakers, scientists and environmental groups when preparing FMPs.

The Joint Fisheries Statement lists 43 proposed FMPs. The full list and their timetable for publication can be found below. Defra published  6 'frontrunner' FMPs in December 2023. Defra  began work on Tranche 3 FMPs at the end of 2023 to be published by December 2024. Work on Tranche 4 FMPs started in March for publication at the end of 2025. 

Stakeholders will have various opportunities to engage throughout the drafting process and through public consultations. This page is designed to signpost stakeholders to sources of information on each FMP, engagement opportunities and to provide updates from the delivery partners responsible for the development of each FMP. If you want to find out more, contact Defra's FMP team by email, or contact one of the delivery partners listed to register your interest in a specific FMP. 

Please use the links below to view information on a specific FMP.

Fisheries Act 2020 Joint Fisheries Statement List of FMPs 

Whelk FMP

The final Whelk FMP, developed by Defra in partnership with Seafish and the Whelk Management Group, was published in December 2023. It covers whelk (Buccinum undatum) stocks in English waters.

Initial Management Measures

These measures are designed to address immediate sustainability concerns, in line with the Fisheries Act’s precautionary objective.

The key proposal is the introduction of a permit scheme or licence entitlement with conditions. The purpose of this scheme is to allow adaptive management to reflect the local characteristics of whelk stocks and fleets, with the aim of controlling effort in whelk fisheries over the long term.

MCRS variations, pot limits and seasonal closures are some of the interventions under consideration that will be developed in collaboration with the WMG and relevant partners.

For more information on the Whelk FMP, please contact Seafish at

Whelk FMP Whelk Management Group

Bass FMP

The final Bass FMP was published in December 2023 and is a joint plan between Defra and the Welsh Government. It covers Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) stocks in English and Welsh waters.

Actions and Implementation

In the short term, proposed improvements to bass management measures to ensure sustainability and flexibility for the fishing sector include:

  • the establishment by governments of bass management group(s) to facilitate stakeholder participation in management decisions
  • exploring opportunities to develop more adaptive management systems to protect the stock and allow fishers to take advantage of any increases in stock abundance
  • reviewing the existing domestic authorisation system to identify an alternative approach to align fishing opportunities withother FMP goals (for example, reducing discarding, minimising environmental impact and maximising benefits to local coastal communities
  • reviewing the most suitable timing and duration for the closed seasons
  • considering how best to monitor and reduce discarding, for example, using existing data recording tools like the online 'Record your catch' service, or through managed access (within existing annual limits) in return for data
  • encouraging better monitoring, gear modifications and engagement with relevant schemes to help reduce the bycatch of sensitive species associated with bass fishing
  • improving communication and understanding of bass regulations, including for registered buyers and sellers
  • reviewing the practice of shallow inshore and shore-based netting to determine whether additional protections are needed to prevent migratory fish bycatch
  • improving collaboration between regulators on targeted enforcement, including the powers necessary to ensure consistency

For more information on the Bass FMP, please contact Policy Lab at

Bass FMP

Crab and Lobster FMP

The final Crab and Lobster FMP was published in December 2023 and was developed by Defra in partnership with Seafish and the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG). The crab and lobster FMP covers stocks in English waters only.   

The species covered within the FMP
Brown / edible crab ( Cancer Paguras )
European Lobster ( Homarus gammaras )

Velvet swimming crab ( Necora puber )
Common prawn ( Palaemon serratus )
Crawfish ( Palninarus elephas )
Common spider crab ( Maja rachydactyla )

Initial management measures
These are designed to contribute to objectives set out in the FMP in the short term and to increase protection for stocks in line with the Act's precautionary objective. 

The key proposals are:

  • exploring opportunities for harmonising lobster and crawfish MCRS with existing IFCA measures in English waters
  • prohibiting the landing of soft brown crab for bait
  • piloting finer-scale management of brown crab and European lobster fisheries in certain areas, based on spatial scale rather than administrative boundaries
  • considering wider effort management measures

For more information on the Crab and Lobster FMP, please contact Seafish at
Crab and Lobster FMP

King Scallop FMP

The final King Scallop FMP was published in December 2023 and was developed with Defra and the Welsh Government in partnership with the Scallop Industry Consultation Group (SICG). It applies to King Scallop ( Pecten maximus ) stocks in English and Welsh waters. 

Setting initial management measures
This FMP sets out measures to be implemented in the short-term to address sustainability concerns in line with the precautionary objective in the Fisheries Act 2020. The precautionary objective identifies that an absence of scientific evidence is not used to prevent management measures being introduced. Actions to develop initial management measures include:
seeking opportunities for strengthening existing measures to increase stock protection
potential broad alignment of measures, where it may be appropriate, to avoid unnecessary differences in measures applying across management borders. 

For more information on the King Scallop FMP, please contact Seafish at

King Scallop FMP

Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP

The Channel NQS FMP, developedby the Marine Management Organisation, was published in December 2023. It covers 19 non-quota stock species in ICES areas 7d and 7e (Eastern and Western English Channel). 

The FMP covers:

  • bony fish(bib, brill, lemon sole, turbot, john dory, red mullet, grey gurnard, red gurnard, and tub gurnard)
  • elasmobranchs (lesser spotted dogfish, starry smoothhound, and common smoothhound)
  • cephalopods (common cuttlefish, elegant cuttlefish, common octopus, curled octopus, long-finned squid, European common squid, and common squid).

Recommended management measures
During this first iteration of the FMP, 6 proposed areas for priority management intervention were identified. These areas were developed through evidence gathering and engagement with stakeholders, who recognised that change is required to improve the sustainability of the stocks and fisheries. Further work and consultation will need to be undertaken to determine the applicability of each of these measures and refine where necessary. The priority areas are:

  • restriction of future flyseining effort
  • minimum conservation reference size (MCRS)
  • towed gear
  • cuttlefish
  • octopus
  • education, adoption of voluntary guidlines and development of code of conduct

The FMP recognises that east and west channel fisheries are distinct, given the physical characteristics of the 2 regions that support differing habitats and fish assemblages. Therefore, management interventions will need to take spatial-temporal variability into consideration.

For more information on the Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP, please contact Defra at

Channel Non-Quota Demersal Stocks FMP

Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel Mixed Flatfish FMP

The Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel Mixed Flatfish Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), developed by the Marine Management Organisation, was published in October 2024. This plan covers the English waters within ICES divisions 4b, 4c, and 7d and addresses both quota and non-quota species of flatfish, including:

  • Sole
  • Dab
  • Plaice
  • Founder
  • Halibut
  • Lemon sole
  • Witch
  • Turbot
  • Brill

For more information, please contact Defra at

Key elements of the plan include:

  • Enhancing the evidence base for data-poor stocks.
  • Setting total allowable catches (TACs) in line with ICES Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) advice, while also considering environmental, social, and economic factors.
  • Implementing minimum conservation reference sizes (MCRS) for three species in the Eastern Channel:
    • Lemon Sole: 25cm
    • Turbot: 30cm
    • Brill: 30cm
  • Proposals to increase MCRS and explore gear restrictions, including gathering evidence on towed gear management and potential mesh size changes in the Eastern Channel.

Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel Mixed Flatfish FMP

FMP's in development

Defra is currently preparing the next 5 FMPs for English waters, which will be published by the end of 2024. Defra's delivery partners are leading on the preparation of these plans. Defra will use the lessons learnt from the first set of FMPs to inform their development.

Cockle FMP

The Cockle Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) will apply exclusively to English waters . The draft FMP was developed by the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (AIFCA) , in collaboration with relevant Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) and a wide range of other organisations and stakeholders with an interest in the fishery.

We invite you to read the consultation documents and share your views. You can submit your consultation response via an online questionnaire , by email to , or through postal mail .

Defra will also be hosting coastal and online events to discuss the plans in more detail, providing additional opportunities for you to contribute your feedback.

Dates and Locations   Proposed Cockle FMP     Cockle FMP Consultation

Queen Scallop FMP

The Queen Scallop Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) will apply exclusively to English waters . This plan is being led by Defra’s Non-Quota Species Fisheries Policy Team .   

We encourage you to read the consultation documents and provide your feedback. The consultation will be open for 14 weeks , closing at 23:59 on 19 January 2025 . You can submit your response through an online questionnaire , via email to , or by post .

Proposed Queen Scallop FMP   Queen Scallop FMP Consultation

North Sea and Channel Sprat FMP

The North Sea and Channel Sprat Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) is a collaborative effort between Defra and the Scottish Government, covering UK waters in the North Sea and Channel. The draft FMP has been developed by Cefas.

We invite you to read the consultation documents and share your feedback. The consultation will remain open for 14 weeks , closing at 23:59 on 19 January 2025 . You can submit your response via an online questionnaire , by email to , or through postal mail .

In addition, Defra will be hosting coastal and online events to provide more detailed discussions on the proposed plans, offering another opportunity for you to contribute your views.

Dates and Locations Proposed Sprat FMP  Sprat FMP Consultation

Southern North Sea Demersal Non-Quota Species (NQS)

The Southern North Sea Demersal Non-Quota Species (NQS) Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) covers English waters within ICES divisions 4b and 4c . This plan focuses on key demersal (bottom-dwelling) species that do not have agreed catch limits (quota), including:

  • Bony fish (John Dory, Red Mullet, Grey Gurnard, Red Gunnard and Tub Gurnard);
  • Elasmosbranchs (Lesser spotted dogfish and Starry Smoothhound);
  • Cephalopods (Common Cuttlefish, Common Octopus, Curled Octopus, Veined Squid/ Long-finned Squid, European common Squid and Common Squid).

The draft FMP was developed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).
We invite you to read the consultation documents and share your feedback. The consultation is open for 14 weeks , closing at 23:59 on 19 January 2025 . You can submit your response via an online questionnaire , by email to , or through postal mail .

Defra will also be hosting coastal and online events to provide further details on the plans, giving you an additional opportunity to contribute your views.

Dates and Locations Proposed Southern North Sea demersal NQS FMP Southern North Sea demersal NQS FMP Consultation

Southern North Sea and Channel Skates and Rays

The Southern North Sea and Channel Skates and Rays Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) covers English waters within ICES divisions 4b, 4c, 7d, and 7e . This plan includes the following species: 

  • Blonde ray
  • Cuckoo ray
  • Skates and Rays
  • Small-eyed Ray
  • Spotted Ray
  • Starry Ray
  • Thornback Ray
  • Undulate Ray

The draft FMP was developed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) .

We encourage you to read the consultation documents and share your feedback. The consultation will be open for 14 weeks , closing at 23:59 on 19 January 2025 . You can submit your response via an online questionnaire , by email to , or by postal mail .

Defra will also be hosting coastal and online events to discuss the plans in more detail, providing further opportunities to contribute your views.

Shoreham Event Proposed Skates and Rays FMP Skates and Rays FMP Consulation

Further Information - Tranche 4 FMPs

If you want to find out more, contact Defra’s FMP team by emailing, or contact one of the delivery partners listed to find out more about a specific FMP. Final 4 FMPs Webinar

Celtic Seas and Western Channel Pelagic FMP

The Celtic Seas and Western Channel Pelagic FMP is a joint plan between Defra and the Welsh Government and is set for publication in 2025. The plan will cover stocks of herring, pilchards, greater silver smelt, horse mackerel and anchovy within the ICES areas 7e, 7f, 7g and 7h, in Welsh and English waters only. 

To give your views or register for future engagement events for the pelagic FMP, contact the FMP team through the email: 

Celtic Seas and Western Channel Demersal FMP

The Celtic Seas and Western Channel Demersal FMP is currently being developed by Defra and is set for publication in 2025. The plan will cover stocks in English and Welsh waters within ICES areas 7e, 7f, 7g and 7h. The plan will include the following species:
thornback ray
blue ling
deep water sharks
round nose grenadier
red seabream
skates and rays
four spotted megrim

To give your views or register for future engagement events for the demersal FMP, contact the FMP team through the email: 

Black Seabream FMP

The Black Seabream Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) is currently being developed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and is scheduled for publication in 2025 . The plan will cover English waters within ICES areas 4b, 4c, 7a, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h, and 7j .

The MMO is working closely with stakeholders from commercial and recreational fishing sectors , environmental organisations , and other key marine bodies to gather feedback and insights. The need for a dedicated Black Seabream FMP was highlighted by the fishing industry and other stakeholders due to concerns about potential overexploitation of the species.

To share your views or register for future engagement events related to the Black Seabream FMP , please contact the FMP team via email at .

Latest Updates: 
  • Proposed Amendments:
    • Add Gilthead Seabream  to the species list.
    • Rename the plan  to "Seabream FMP".
      • Reason:  Gilthead Seabream is often targeted and fished alongside Black Seabream in a mixed fishery, making it a natural fit for inclusion. The title change reflects the addition of this species.
Stakeholder Survey:

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is encouraging stakeholders to share their views on wrasses and black seabream in English waters. Stakeholder feedback is essential to the development of these FMPs, so please take this opportunity to share your concerns and ideas before the surveys close on 31 January 2025 .

Online Survey

Wrasses Complex FMP

The Wrasse Complex Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) is currently being developed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and is scheduled for publication in 2025 . This plan will cover English waters within ICES areas 4b, 4c, 7a, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h, and 7j . The following species will be included:

  • Ballan
  • Corkwing
  • Rock cook
  • Goldsinny

The MMO is engaging with stakeholders from commercial and recreational fishing sectors , environmental organisations , and other key marine bodies to gather input on several important aspects, including priority species , potential management changes , and sustainability .

The need for a dedicated Wrasse FMP was highlighted by the fishing industry and other marine stakeholders due to concerns about potential ecosystem impacts .

To share your views or register for future engagement events related to the Wrasse Complex FMP or the Black Seabream FMP , please contact the FMP team via email at .

Latest Updates: 
  •   Proposed Amendment: Cuckoo Wrasse will be added to the species list.
    • Reason:  Regularly raised during MMO scoping discussions as it is often caught alongside other wrasse species in a mixed fishery, making it a natural fit for the FMP.
Stakeholder Survey

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is encouraging stakeholders to share their views on wrasses and black seabream in English waters. Stakeholder feedback is crucial to shaping these FMPs, so please take this opportunity to share your concerns and ideas before the surveys close on 31 January 2025 .

Online Survey

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