MPA Management

The Sussex IFCA Marine Protected Areas Byelaw is the over-arching MPA byelaw. This byelaw can be broken down into Schedule 1 for Kingmere MCZ, Schedule 2 for Beachy Head West MCZ, Schedule 3 for Pagham Harbour MCZ and Schedule 4 for Utopia MCZ. Towed gear management for Selsey Bill and the Hounds MCZ was introduced under the Sussex IFCA Nearshore Trawling Byelaw. Sussex IFCA are currently in the process of introducing site specific towed gear management for Beachy Head East MCZ. Offshore Overfalls MCZ falls predominantly outside of the Sussex IFCA District, and therefore the Marine Management Organisation is responsible for introducing fisheries management into this site.

Sussex IFCA MPA Byelaw

Sussex IFCA’s role with regard to Kingmere MCZ is to introduce appropriate management of the fisheries activities that have a negative impact on the features of conservation importance; the black seabream, the chalk and rock covered in a layer of sediment.

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Sussex IFCA’s role with regard to Beachy Head West MCZ is to introduce appropriate management of the fisheries activities that have a negative impact on the features of conservation importance which include chalk, blue mussels, native oysters and short-snouted seahorses.

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Management for both the MCZ and SPA protected features have been developed by Sussex IFCA in close liaison with partner organisations and through public consultation. Formal consultation took place in April 2017 and the byelaw was signed off by the Secretary of State in July 2018.

A pro-active approach to fisheries management within Pagham Harbour is important to maintain sustainable fisheries and a healthy marine environment. As potentially the only near-pristine site within Sussex’s coastal waters, a one-off fishing activity occurrence could have a significant effect on protected features.

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Management has been developed by Sussex IFCA in close liaison with partner organisations and through public consultation. The management is defined in Schedule four within the MPA Byelaw. Formal consultation took place in September 2017 and the byelaw was signed off by the Secretary of State in July 2018.

Read More Utopia Code of Conduct

Required towed gear management within the site has been addressed through incorporation within the Nearshore Trawling Byelaw 2019, which prohibits trawling throughout the entirety of Selsey Bill and the Hounds MCZ.

The Sussex IFCA has also undertaken an MCZ assessment to ascertain whether further fisheries management measures are required to protect the sites designated features. The MCZ assessment concluded that no additional management measures would be put into effect throughout the site for static gear such as potting and fixed netting. However, this is subject to review in four years. 

The Sussex IFCA has introduced a Selsey Bill and the Hounds MCZ specific code of conduct which aims to minimize damage from anchoring on rocky reef habitats and reduce potential impacts of fishing gear on short-snouted seahorse populations throughout the site.

Nearshore Trawling Byelaw 2019   MCZ Leaflet   MCZ Assessment   Selsey Bill and the Hounds Code of Conduct      

This site was designated in 2021 and Sussex IFCA will start discussions with stakeholders regarding management measures. It is likely that it will take about two years for management to come into force, after designation, and we will endeavour to ensure that all interested parties are consulted during the development of the management. Stakeholders’ views are always considered during management development. We also take into account advice from Natural England and other organisations, as well as scientific evidence.


A small section of the boundary in the northwest corner lies with the 6 mile limit, the rest is outside of 6nm and therefore the Marine Management Organisation is leading on its management. 

Offshore Overfalls MCZ

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Sussex IFCA
12A Riverside Business Centre
Brighton Rd
West Sussex
BN43 6RE

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